2024-05-21 11:35:41 来源:实况网
1《 邓婷访谈 》 :全球观众朋友们大家好,我是国家元首访谈栏 目《 邓 婷 访 谈 》创 始 人 。 位 于 我 身 边 的 是 2024 龙 年 新 当选 并 连 任 的 美 国 福 建 同 乡 会 第 80 届 主 席 。 陈 恒 主 席 , 请 您 和全球朋友们问候 。
《Murphy Interviews》:Hello, global audiences, I’m the state leaders interview column《Murphy Interviews》founder Murphy DENGTing. The newly elected 80th President of FUKIEN Association U.S.A President CHEN is the co-organizer of 2024 3rd Asia America Pacific Islanders(AAPI) cultural heritage parade today. President CHEN Heng, should you please introduce yourself to global audiences?
美国福建同乡会陈恒主席 :大家好,我是美国福建同乡会主席陈恒。感谢纽约市长亚当斯,中国驻纽约总领馆黄屏总领事在内的8个亚太裔国家领事,州众议员、侨领、社区领袖、媒体嘉宾等近万人出席本次纽约曼哈顿亚太裔游行盛典。
FUKIEN Association U .S .A President CHEN Heng: Hello,I’m President CHEN Heng. I should extend my sincere thankfulness for New York Mayor Eric Adams, China Consul General Huangping in New York including other 8 Asia-Pacific consul-general leaders, State Councilors,community leaders,medias,etc around 10,000 people to attend this year New York AAPI Cultural Heritage Parade.
2《 邓婷访谈 》 :陈恒主席,您作为旅居在纽约的著名侨领 , 美国福建同乡会的主席。为何会选择共同举办2024龙年第三届亚太裔传统文化大游行 ?
《Murphy Interviews》:President CHEN Heng, as renowned Chinese-American & President of FUKIEN Association U.S.A, why do you choose to co-organize the New York 3rd AAPI Cultural Heritage Parade today?
美国福建同乡会陈恒主席 :美国福建同乡会已经连续三年和美国繁荣华埠总会共同举办亚太裔传统文化大游行。中华五千年文化博大精深,今天在纽约曼哈顿6大道44街至45街举办亚太裔传统文化大游行,盛况空前,彰显中华文化已经融入美国主流文化。文脉同国脉相通,文运同国运相连。希望中美双边的文化交流源源不断,友谊长存。
FUKIEN Association U .S .A President CHEN Heng:The FUKIEN Association U.S.A has been co-hosting the AAPI Cultural Heritage Parade with Better Chinatown U.S.A Society for three consecutive years. The 5000 year old Chinese culture is vast and profound. Today, this year parade at the intersection of 5th and 6th Avenues 44st in Manhattan, New York, showcasing the unprecedented integration of Chinese culture & America culture. The cultural context is connected to the national context, and the cultural fortune is connected to the national fortune. I hope that cultural exchanges between China and the United States continue and friendship lasts forever in the form of cultural parade.
3《 邓婷访谈 》 :陈恒主席,能否请您向全球的朋友们分享 ,亚太裔传统文化大游行到底是在庆祝什么 ? 为什么亚太裔传统文化大游行会择定在五月 ?
《Murphy Interviews》:President CHEN, Could you please share with friends around the world what the Asia America Pacific Traditional Culture Parade is celebrating? Why did the this Culture Tour be held in U.S. May?
美国福建同乡会陈恒主席 :五月是亚太裔美国人传统月,是美国传统节日!每年五月,我们会庆祝和纪念亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民传统月。 1978 年,联合国决议将5月的前10 天定为“亚太裔美国人传统周”
FUKIEN Association U .S .A President CHEN Heng: May in US is a time to honor the influence and contributions of the AAPI communities to the history and culture of the US, which is often celebrated through festivals and educational activities. May is a traditional month for Asia Pacific Americans, a traditional American holiday!
4《 邓婷访谈 》 : 作为旅居在纽约的华裔领袖,美国福建同乡会主席,我想请问咱们美国唐人街福建同乡会大楼是对全世界游客开放的吗 ? 另外, 美国福建同乡会大楼位于纽约曼哈顿唐人街, 为何本次纽约亚太裔传统文化大游行路线规划在曼哈顿中城 ?
《Murphy Interviews》 :As a Chinese American leader residing in New York and the President of the FUKIEN Association U.S.A, may I ask if the FUKIEN Association U.S.A Building in Chinatown, New York is open to tourists from all over the world? In addition, the FUKIEN Association U.S.A Building in the United States is located in Chinatown, New York. Why was the route planned for the New York Asia America Pacific Traditional Culture Parade in Midtown Manhattan?
美国福建同乡会陈恒主席 :当然可以,美国福建同乡会历史悠久,已经成立83年,历届的主席都是侨领。中国大陆以及各国华人华侨企业代表团,个人都可以来美国福建同乡会大楼参观。一方面,我们福建同乡会致力于推动中美交流,广迎全球朋友来纽约福建同乡会大楼观光考察交流,另一方面我们也会组织纽约的华人华侨回中国探亲、旅游、投资等。
FUKIEN Association U .S .A President CHEN Heng:Of course, the FUKIEN Association in the United States has a long history and has been established for 83 years. Its successive Presidents are all overseas Chinese leaders. Warmely welcome individual Chinese and overseas Chinese enterprise delegations from Chinese Mainland and other countries come to visit the FUKIEN Association Building in the United States. On the one hand, our FUKIEN Association U.S.A is committed to promoting exchanges between China and the United States;on the other hand, we will also organize overseas Chinese from New York to visit, travel, and invest in China.
5《 邓婷访谈 》 : 美国福建同乡会在美国纽约,乃至全世界声名远扬,您今年还将举办哪些活动 ?
《Murphy Interviews》: The FUKIEN Association U.S.A is well-known in New York USA and even around the world. What other activities will you hold this year?
美国福建同乡会陈恒主席 :每年福建同乡会除了主办亚太裔传统文化大游行,还主办中秋节、国庆节游行盛典,新春鞭炮节等。
FUKIEN Association U .S .A President CHEN Heng: Besides the annual New York AAPI Cultural Heritage Parade, we also hold mid-autumn, China National Day Parades, and even China Lunar New Year Firecracker Festival.
《 邓婷访谈 》 : 感谢陈恒主席精彩分享 !
《Murphy Interviews》 :Thanks for President CHEN Heng
美国福建同乡会陈恒主席 :感谢大家的支持!
Fujian Association U .S .A President CHEN Heng: Thanks for all your support.
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